

Volume 6, Special Issue

2015 Biennial Meeting of Latinmag, Sao Paulo, Brasil

image005 VOLUME FILE                                       Volume Index  and  Preface                                Meeting Program


This special issue of LATINMAG LETTERS includes the proceedings of the contributions of the contributions presented at the

Fourth (2015) Biennial Meeting of the
Latin-American Association of Paleomagnetism and Geomagnetism (LATINMAG):





The Fourth (2015) biennial meeting was held at the Instituto de Astronomía, Geofísica y Ciencias Atmosféricas de la Universidade de Sao Paulo (IAG/USP), Cudade Universitaria, Sao Paulo, Brasil (,, performed November 23th to 27th of 2015.

The meeting program comprised 90 contributions: 4 invited lectures, 1 workshop and 85 regular presentations; 45 of the latter were conferences and the rest were presented as posters. The contributions covered a wide range of topics that were organized in different mixed sessions during the Meeting; the program of the meeting can be seen at:

The present volume of proceedings comprises 87 contributions subdivided in the four main topics described in the Index: Session A. Geomagnetism, Magnetic Surveying and Instrumentations with 16 contributions; Session B. Paleomagnetism, Magnetoestratigraphy and Magnetic Fabrics with 33 contributions; Session C. Arqueomagnetism, Paleointensity and Paleosecular Variations with 13 contributions; Session D. Rock Magnetism and Environmental Magnetism with 21 contributions and 4 invited lectures. The invited lectures are presented mainly as short abstracts. The contributions of the meeting that are not published here were withdrawn either by their authors or by the Editors. Four of the contributions of this volume were not included in the meeting program.

The Editors would like to give special thanks to all authors for their contributions and to the reviewers and Editorial Board for their help. We would also like to acknowledge all members of the Local Organizing Committee for accomplishing a very successful and charming meeting


Editors:  Augusto E Rapalini, Cecilia Caballero Miranda, Avto Gogichaishvili


Technical Editor: Cecilia Caballero Miranda


Editorial Board:  Milagrosa Aldana, Claudia Gogorza, María Paula Iglesia Llanos, Ane Soler Arechalde

image005 VOLUME FILE                                              Volume Index  and  Preface                                Meeting Program