Guide for Authors

Article Types

LATINMAG LETTERS publishes several categories of papers:

Regular Articles: previously unpublished research results that meet the most stringent standards of quality and originality and are of interest to the broader research community.

Research Notes: short papers communicating particularly significant findings that justify rapid publication.

Reviews: papers that are timely and appropriate in the context of recent developments in the fields covered by the journal.

Language – Contributions are accepted either in English, Spanish or Portuguese. Language elected should be the same in all parts of a single work: manuscript, figures and tables.


To submit a manuscript, please send an Electronic version (PDF) to one of the editors.

Manuscript. All manuscript should be prepared in both Word and PDF file. The PDF files are more suitable for first submission, the Word files are required for final accepted manuscripts.

The manuscript should be double-spaced, with wide margins. The title page should include the title, names of the authors and their affiliations, including e-mail addresses.

An abstract is required for all manuscripts, of not more than 400 words which should be placed at the beginning of the paper. The abstract should be followed by key words, maximum 8 expressions characterizing the paper, which, if possible, do not appear in the title. Each page should be numbered. The metric system should be used throughout the text.

Manuscript shall be divided in sections, each with its corresponding heather.

Tables should be submitted on separate pages. They should be referred to in the text, numbered successively and provided with appropriate captions.

Illustrations should be on separate pages in jpg or tiff formats at a minimum resolution of 150 dpi (dots per inch) and a maximum of 200 dpi. The lettering should be sufficiently large, allowing for reduction in size if necessary. All illustrations should be referred to in the text and numbered successively, according to their position in the text. Figure captions should be typed on a separate page.

References: The accepted style of references in the text should indicate, (within parenthesis) the last name of the author and the year of publication. If there are more than two authors, the last name of the first author should be followed by et al. When such name form part of the content of the article, and do not appear solely as a reference, the year of the publication is parenthesized. Here some examples:

Coney (1972) carried out…
Hou et al. (2001) defined…
…illite is the main clay mineral (Lüters, 1982).

The reference section of each article should be match the works quoted in the text in alphabetical order. References data should follow this order and punctuation: Author name(s), year of publication. Title of Work, . . .
The following data in articles are: Journal Name, volume, number, pages.
The journal name (including volume and number) should be in italics, using the abbreviations proposed by respective journals or without any abbreviation.
In case of books [thesis]: Editorial House [University], Country and or City, pages.
In Memoirs or proceedings: Meeting name or corresponding data, reference of paper and/or pages, place and date.

All authors should start with their whole last name followed by initials of their first (and middle) names. Any word-link should be used between the last and previous author (“&”, “and” or “y”). Some examples are as follows:

Gendler T.S., Shcherbakov V.P., Dekkers M.J.,Gapeev A.K., Gribov S.K., McClelland E., 2005, The lepidocrocite-maghemite-haematite reaction chain - I. Acquisition of chemical remanent magnetization by maghemite, its magnetic properties and thermal stability, Geophys. J. Int. 160, 3, 815-835

Dunlop D.J., Özdemir Ö., 1997. Rock Magnetism: Fundamentals and Frontiers, Cambridge University Press., New York, 573 pp

Memoirs or proceedings:
Nakamura Y., 2000, Clear identification of fundamental idea of Nakamura’s technique and its applications, in 12th World conference of Earthquake Engineering, 2656, Auckland, New Zealand, 30 January-4 February.

Reviewing and Proofs
Each manuscript undergoes standard anonymous reviewing process, which is fully managed and controlled by the assigned corresponding editor. Following the editor’s and reviewers’ comments, the corresponding author is asked to submit revised version of the paper. The revised version should be prepared according to the guide for authors, and mailed back in electronic form to the corresponding editor in two copies, one of them showing the annotated author’s revisions

Gallery proofs. Only minor changes and modifications, such as spelling corrections or typos, are acceptable at this stage. Corrected proofs should be returned within a week. The editor may approve an uncorrected proof for publication if no correction is received in time.

Disclaimer: The authors are solely responsible for the source of the contents and images presented in their respective works. The journal is not responsible for any infringements of copyright. Authors are responsible published contents. Once an article is accepted for publication, the author agrees to transfer the copyright to Latinmag Letters. Reproduction of any paper in full or in part requires prior written authorization by the Technical Editor of the journal.